Getting The Most From Batt Insulation
Batt insulation remains one of the least expensive and most popular choices for preventing home energy loss. This type of insulation comes in the form of large rolls, which are cut down to size in order to fit between the joists and beams in your attic. If you would like to learn more about how to ensure you get the most insulating power from your batt insulation, read on. This article will discuss two key tips for optimizing the efficiency of your batt insulation.
Measure twice before cutting.
In theory, installing batt insulation couldn't be much easier: you simply measure the particular dimensions of void space between two adjacent studs and cut an appropriately sized piece of insulation. Unfortunately, however, it is very easy to make mistakes that leave gaps between the edges of the insulation and the studs. Even when quite small, these gaps will allow a surprising amount of energy to escape from your home.
Thus it is vital that you take extra care when measuring the empty space. Although the studs may appear evenly spaced, never assume that the gaps are all the exact same size. Instead, measure each one--and measure it twice to make sure you've got the most accurate measurement possible.
When it comes to cutting the insulation, don't simply cut it to the exact same size as the space you have measured. It is virtually impossible to ensure a snug fit in this way. Instead, cut the batt insulation so that its width is one inch greater than that of the space it is going to fill. This way you can be sure that the insulation fits tightly in place, with no gaps whatsoever.
Avoid compressing the insulation.
As you can gather from the information above, it is okay for your batt insulation to be compressed a small amount. Yet this is only permissible when it comes to lateral compression--in other words, compression that pushes the sides of the insulation closer together. Compressing the insulation so that its two faces are closer together, on the other hand, should be strictly avoided.
You see, this type of compression will decrease the overall R-value of the insulation, making it less capable of performing up to the manufacturer's specifications. Many beginners are guilty of this type of compression when it comes to installing insulation behind pipes and fittings with narrow clearance. Instead of compressing the insulation into place behind such building features, try pulling it apart so that the pipe can be sandwiched in the middle of the insulation.
To learn more about batt insulation contact an insulation company, such as Leon Muenks Insulation LLC.