Installing a New Gas Fireplace in Your Home
Most homes will experience extremely low temperatures during the winter. To help combat these low temperatures, homeowners may consider a gas fireplace installation. Here is some insight into the process.
Consider Choosing a Gas Fireplace with Artificial Logs
While it is possible to choose a gas fireplace that has a bare burner to generate heat, many homeowners will enjoy the appearance of a wood-burning fireplace. To accommodate these preferences while still using gas to fuel the fireplace, it is possible to choose a fireplace that uses artificial logs. These logs can help to give the fireplace a more traditional appearance. Additionally, they may help to more evenly distribute the warmth being generated as these artificial logs will be able to absorb and radiate the heat coming from the burner. Conversely, it is also possible to choose these upgrades in a variety of styles and shapes.
Evaluate Whether the Thermostat Should Be Moved
Placing the fireplace in the same room where the thermostat is located can be a mistake as the heat from the fireplace may interfere with the functioning of the thermostat. This may prevent the thermostat from activating the heating system for the rest of the home. This can lead to the area near the fire being the only comfortable place to be. If it is necessary to move the thermostat, this may not be as difficult or expensive as you may assume. By moving the thermostat away from the fireplace, it will be able to get a more accurate reading regarding the actual temperature inside the home. Moving a thermostat may not be difficult, but it can be complicated due to the need to rewire it.
Account for the Gas Fireplace Ventilation Needs
Homeowners will often make the assumption that a flue or chimney is only needed for fireplaces that burn wood. While gas-burning fireplaces will generate few fumes than other more traditional systems, these fumes can still be enough to cause significant health problems. Typically, gas fireplaces will be able to meet this need with a flue system. The flue will have the role of allowing the fumes from the fireplace to vent outside. A gas fireplace flue will normally only need to be a few inches across, but it will be enough to allow the heat and fumes from the fireplace to leave the house. This can allow it to more than meet the ventilation needs of the home while still providing the owner with warmth.