As a factory owner, it's crucial to strive for comfortable indoor spaces. This way, your employees can get the morale to keep up with the day-to-day tasks. And besides, this is where your products are made and stored before they get to the consumers. The surefire way to make your factory comfortable is to invest in a powerful HVAC system. The equipment will operate all year round, enabling you to register high uptime and exceptional profits.
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Air conditioning systems can accumulate issues over time for many reasons. A common cause is having a bad filter. With this kind of situation, damage to your AC could have been prevented by changing the filter before it got clogged. Here are some serious things that can happen to your air conditioner due to neglecting the filter.
The Evaporator Coil Can Ice Over
When your filter clogs up, the airflow through the air handler diminishes.
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Condensing gas furnaces, also known as high-efficiency furnaces, are prized for their low running costs, and can effectively heat your home using very little natural gas or propane. Unfortunately, like any other type of furnace, they can still suffer from mechanical problems.
If your condensing furnace is not producing any heat, the problem may be caused by faults with your furnace's hot surface igniter (or HSI).
How Do Hot Surface Igniters Work?
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Installing a new air conditioning system can have a major impact on your comfort in your home. While an air conditioning system is a highly complicated mechanical system, it is still possible for homeowners to be prepared and informed to be able to effectively manage this major change to their homes.
Air Conditioning Systems Come In Different Styles
Individuals that are in the early stages of choosing a new air conditioning system may be surprised by the variety of styles that are available.
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There is nothing as frustrating as your heating system breaking down in the dead of winter when you need it the most. That's why you should proactively repair your furnace to prevent malfunctions running down the unit. Allowing your designated furnace repair technician to routinely inspect your furnace ensures that damage to components is identified and addressed when it's still minor.
Aside from commissioning routine equipment inspection and repair, you should also keep an eye out for telltale signs indicating your furnace could be faulty.
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