Making My Home Comfortable For Everyone

5 Ways To Avoid Drain Clogs

Drain clogs are a common plumbing problem and often occur at the most inconvenient times. When you have a house full of guests, the last thing you want to be dealing with is a drain clog. Luckily, there are things you can do to minimize these clogs. Here are five effective ways to avoid drain clogs: Don't Dump Grease Down the Drain When you have leftover cooking grease, you might think it's a good idea to pour it down the drain. Read More 

4 Ways Your Basement Can Tell You That You Have A Plumbing Problem

Not all plumbing problems are as obvious as a slow-moving drain or a leaky faucet. Sometimes you really have to 'listen' to what your home is telling you to identify plumbing problems. Here are 4 ways your basement can reveal the need for plumbing services. Damp walls Moisture accumulating in your basement will often present itself by dampening your concrete walls. You will notice the walls feeling cooler than usual as well as see dark spots, water stains, and you may even notice a damp, soil-like smell. Read More 

Here Come Those Lazy Days Of Summer: 4 Reasons You Should Have Your HVAC Serviced

If you haven't tuned up your air conditioner for summer, you still have time to take care of that. Once the temperatures heat up, your HVAC technician is going to be busy, which means you might have to wait a while for service if your air conditioner breaks down. The best way to avoid being without cool air this summer is to schedule a service call this spring. Here are just four of the reasons why you need to have your air conditioner serviced before summer arrives. Read More 

Suffer From Allergies? How Your HVAC System Can Help Your Symptoms

Do you or one of your family members suffer from allergies? In addition to other remedies, like medication or even eating local honey, consider using your HVAC system to help alleviate your allergy symptoms. Your heating and cooling system can be a big player in helping win the fight against allergens in your home. Allergens In Your Home There is a vast array of allergens floating around your home, and they all seem to hone in on your nose. Read More 

Want To Save Money This Upcoming Summer? 3 Ways You Can Lower Your Air Conditioning Bill

Spring is almost here, and summer is right around the corner, and your air conditioner will be working hard. This means you will have higher energy bills. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your costs down. Follow the tips below and you will have a cool home without paying a lot of money. Maintain Your Air Conditioning Unit The most important thing you should do is to keep your air conditioning serviced once a year. Read More